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Whose relationship advice is not worth listening to

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Each of us needs good advice, and more often than it seems. Unwillingness or fear to take responsibility for their own life, or simply a desire to see the situation from a different angle, leads people to the fact that in a relationship between two there is often someone third, and often more. But, despite the fact that all relationships are individual, and everyone knows best to act, people still seek approval, assessment or recommendations from someone whom they consider more experienced, or from the first person who comes across I was lucky to find the unfortunate man in a period of mental anguish and serious thoughts. We decided to figure out what advice and, above all, from which people you should not take if you want to keep your relationship.

1. Angry and annoyed

Asking and even more so following the advice of people who are embittered at the moment, are experiencing an unpleasant experience in a relationship, or simply have never been in them, does not make any sense, since their sense of the world is broken, and the vision of your situation will certainly be passed through the prism of their own disappointment. Most likely, such people will start warning you that things could turn out the way they did in their relationship, or even tell you that they have nothing to do with healthy, fulfilling, and happy relationships. A person who is upset about something will rather complain about life and need advice themselves than give a constructive assessment, let alone tune in to a positive. In embittered people, cynicism or feigned callousness can be observed more often than wisdom and maturity.







2.Focusing only on external factors

For many people, external factors such as appearance, work, material security and education play a greater role in choosing a partner than elementary compatibility of characters, views, or at least romantic attraction. If you have chosen such a person as your advisor, then do not expect anything sensible from him, because in his reasoning he will most likely be too materialistic than sensual and wise.

3.Too self-confident

Self-confident people and self-confident people are not quite the same thing. Self-confident people do not seek to prove their case - it is enough for them that they have the opportunity to do as they want. They can give good advice, as they are likely to draw your attention to what is important for you, and not or self-affirmation, which is typical for people with high self-esteem. Such self-esteem appears when being better than others is not an aspiration, but a person's need to get what he wants at the moment. Such a person could well advise you to humiliate or in any other way self-actualize at the expense of another .




4.Too happy

Perhaps the expression "too happy" sounds very strange, because there is never too much happiness, and everyone, one way or another, strives for this state. We all want to live the way "that happy couple" lives. However, be careful when seeking advice from over-happy people, as their success in building relationships can be controversial. In one case, such people either have not yet encountered problems, which gave them the feeling that they are the favorites of fortune, which means that it will be too tiring for them to enter your position. In another, the fact that they can claim to win the Best Couple of the Year nomination gave them confidence that they are doing everything right and know everything in the world. Their advice will be more of a show of vanity than real compassion. But, of course, there is a fine line here. Happy people really deserve to be role models, but not blind people. A worthwhile advice from such a person will be aimed at helping you understand yourself, rather than offering personal "perfect" examples that will make you even more frustrated. Ask for advice from those who do not seek to give advice to everyone around, but by actions and views of the world proves that they are moving in the right direction. Want Some Love Quotes To Share? Then You Should Visit Our Website Love Quotes For Him Your #1 Destination For Love Relationship Quotes.


5.Too unhappy

Being too unhappy is the kind of relationship that goes alongside the previous point. Of course, not a single sane person will give advice to someone whose position on a particular issue he does not respect. But the problem is that unhappy couples can be much closer to you than you might imagine. For example, parents whose marriage broke down recently or many years ago, divorced friends who still step on the same rake, or simply people who stay together for the wrong reasons. All of them can enter your close environment and, due to the fact that you have certain relationships, you will go to them for advice when life slaps in the face again. Be careful when listening to life-wise "elders" - in their words, there may be a good old truth, but often it is framed by a vision of the world and upbringing, far from yours. Divorced couples who have not corrected their mistakes themselves need advice and will most often fit the points described above. And in the end, an unhappy person is not able to make someone happy, because in order to move on, you need to make yourself happy.


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